Risk : the possibility of loss or injury which can lead to Peril When we experience a flash of fright it can set off alarm bells inside us. This feeling of danger or peril feels real but often it actually harkens back to our pre-historic ancestors who had to be constantly on guard to avoid […]
Should is a word to let go of
Should is a word to let go of It’s a thread winding between expectation and identity it adds to the fear of being found out as it watches us spin in our own heads dividing us from heart and spirit How did we learn to layer upon layer, the heft of guilt, responsibility and should? Years of self-talk […]
Brené Brown: Be the Adult You Want Your Children to Be
This is an older post I wrote in 2012 for the Washington Post blog, On Parenting. It is still relevant because it applies to anyone who wants to live and parent more wholeheartedly.