Posted in Activity Rocket‘s blog 12/1/14 Here are Some Great ways to Bond with Your Partner by Our Friend Jen Kogan Many of us who have kids remember the early years as a sleep-deprived time accompanied by unavoidable squabbles with our mate. This is confirmed in research which reveals that 67% of couples become unhappy with their […]
Mother’s Self-Renewal: Tuning into Your Creative Bliss
Remember You before age 11 or 12? Your child self had all the time in the world to dream and explore interests and hobbies. These days as we mother, it may feel like that high energy and exuberance is on some kind of semi-permanent hiatus. You might be asking yourself, “What happened to the part […]
Reconnecting to YOU through the Creative process
We moms are so busy that sometimes we lose the connection to our creative selves. Read on for some thoughts/resources on how to find your “flow” and help bring your heart and mind together from Guest Blogger, Amy Tatsumi. What makes you feel alive? What allows you to be connected to your true self? For […]